About Us

David Konkol, a custom home builder in Orlando, Florida, wrote a book about what you need to know to build a custom home. The Book contains 49 chapters and 7 useful checklists. He built his entire marketing strategy around his book.

It worked so well that he started Builders Publishing Group and now he helps over 70 other builders in the U.S. and Canada by co-authoring a customized, high quality book together and assists them in implementing the 7-STEP MARKETING STRATEGY. This unique marketing strategy has proven to put custom home builders above the competition and generate more sales in their market.

With over 10 years of experience, we understand the value of the builder/client relationship. Our book marketing strategy not only places builders above the competition, but provides a time-tested way of connecting with prospects, clients and realtors. Our books and various tools bridge the marketing presence of online, print and in-person buyer touch points.